Jack in the Box has a new campaign of “Twist up your favorites” and what better way to twist up a favorite than to bring us two variations of their Ultimate Cheeseburgers with the BBQ Ultimate Cheeseburger and the Jalapeño Ranch Ultimate Cheeseburger. I will review and provide nutrition facts for these two new Ultimate Cheeseburgers along with the original Ultimate Cheeseburger and the Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger.
I picked up my Ultimate Cheeseburgers from the Jack in the Box at 9337 Mission Gorge Road, Santee CA, 92071 over several visits. I like this Jack in the Box because I typically get good service and the food is served fresh and hot. My only issue at this location is that they do not always serve the complete menu. For example this location does not currently serve the Breakfast Monster Taco. I asked one time about another item they did not carry and was told that this was a training location. Not sure why that impacts the menu. Anyway, still a well-run store.
The BBQ Ultimate Cheeseburger
The BBQ Ultimate Cheeseburger is made with two beef patties, American cheese, Swiss-style cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun with BBQ sauce and grilled onions. Now I like BBQ sauce and grilled onions so I was expecting to really like this burger. However, I found it to be just ordinary. The BBQ sauce has a sweet flavor that was unimpressive. The grilled onions provided little additional flavor. It was not a bad burger, just not anything to get excited about.
Nutrition Facts for BBQ Ultimate Cheeseburger

The nutrition facts for the BBQ Ultimate Cheeseburger are as follows. It has 806 Calories with 405 of those Calories coming from Fat, Total Fat is very high at 45 grams, and Saturated Fat of 21 grams is off the charts high. That is 105% of your daily allowance in just one burger. 3 grams of Trans Fat, Cholesterol is also high with 143 mg, Sodium is very high with 1663 mg, and Total Carbohydrates are good at only 52 grams, 4 grams of Dietary Fiber is ok, 8 grams of Sugars. You do get 100% of your daily allowance for Protein with 50 grams. The following are the known allergens for the BBQ Ultimate Cheeseburger: dairy, wheat and soy.
The Jalapeño Ranch Ultimate Cheeseburger
The Jalapeño Ranch Ultimate Cheeseburger is made with two beef patties, American cheese, Swiss-style cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun with creamy ranch sauce and sliced jalapeños. The Jalapeños do provide a lot of spice while the ranch sauce helps to cool the burger down a little. This is not to say that this is not a spicy burger, because yes it is very spicy. I did like the Jalapeño Ranch Ultimate Cheeseburger.
Nutrition Facts for Jalapeño Ranch Ultimate Cheeseburger
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The nutrition facts for the Jalapeño Ranch Ultimate Cheeseburger are as follows. It has 797 Calories with 432 of those Calories coming from Fat, Total Fat is very high at 48 grams, and Saturated Fat of 21 grams is off the charts high. That is 105% of your daily allowance in just one burger. 3 grams of Trans Fat, Cholesterol is also high with 147 mg, Sodium is very high with 1783 mg, and Total Carbohydrates are good at only 42 grams, 2 grams of Dietary Fiber is low, 5 grams of Sugars. You do get 100% of your daily allowance for Protein with 50 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Jalapeño Ranch Ultimate Cheeseburger: eggs, dairy, wheat and soy.
The Ultimate Cheeseburger
The Ultimate Cheeseburger is made with two beef patties, American cheese, Swiss-style cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun with Mayo-onion sauce, mustard and ketchup. I have eaten this burger many times in the past. It is a great burger to eat on the go. It is very filling and works when I am really hungry.
Nutrition Facts for Ultimate Cheeseburger

The nutrition facts for the Ultimate Cheeseburger are as follows. It has 820 Calories with 440 of those Calories coming from Fat, Total Fat is very high at 49 grams, and Saturated Fat of 21 grams is off the charts high. That is 105% of your daily allowance in just one burger. 3 grams of Trans Fat, Cholesterol is also high with 145 mg, Sodium is very high with 1780 mg, and Total Carbohydrates are good at only 44 grams, 2 grams of Dietary Fiber is low, 7 grams of Sugars. You do get 100% of your daily allowance for Protein with 50 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Ultimate Cheeseburger: eggs, dairy, wheat and soy.
The Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger
The Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger is made with two beef patties, American cheese, Swiss-style cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun with Mayo-onion sauce, mustard and ketchup with three slices of bacon. This is another one of my favorites. When I am in the mood for bacon and really hungry the Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger hits the spot.
Nutrition Facts for Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger

The nutrition facts for the Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger are as follows. It has 910 Calories with 500 of those Calories coming from Fat, Total Fat is extremely high at 56 grams. That is 86% of the daily allowance. Saturated Fat of 24 grams is really off the charts high. That is 120% of your daily allowance in just one burger. 3 grams of Trans Fat, Cholesterol is also high with 165 mg, Sodium is extremely high with 2190 mg, and Total Carbohydrates are good at only 44 grams, 2 grams of Dietary Fiber is low, 7 grams of Sugars. You do get 114% of your daily allowance for Protein with 57 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger: eggs, dairy, wheat and soy.
If you are looking for healthy the Ultimate Cheeseburgers are so far off the chart unhealthy that they should all be avoided. However, the next time I am really hungry I will be back for an Ultimate Cheeseburger. What can I say, I enjoy fast food.
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