With the success of Taco Bell’s Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco, they have introduced the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco. So, how does the Cool Ranch Locos Taco version compare for taste and nutrition to the Nacho Cheese Locos Taco version and to the Original Crunchy Taco.
Of course, I have had the Original Crunchy Taco from Taco Bell many times over the years and I like them just fine. Therefore, with the introduction of the Nacho Cheese version I was sure this would be a hit for me as the Nacho Cheese Doritos Chips are my favorite flavor of Doritos. Sure enough, that was the case. I did like them even better than the Original Crunchy Taco. Now that the Cool Ranch Locos Taco is available, I figured it would be good but would not be better than the Nacho Cheese Locos Taco.
To find out which taco tasted better I went to the Taco Bell at 9825 Mission Gorge Road in Santee, CA. This is a small Taco Bell but is very clean and well run. My tacos were hot and service was good. I tasted the Original Crunchy Taco, the Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco and the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco. I did not taste the Supreme versions of these tacos at this time. Read on the find out how these tacos compare for taste and nutrition. I am also including the Nutrition Facts for the Supreme versions.
Taco Bell’s Original Crunchy Taco
I do like Taco Bell’s Original Crunchy Taco. The corn taco shell is crunchy with a mild corn flavor. Taco Bell’s seasoned beef is not overly greasy and can only be described as “having that unique Taco Bell taste”, and I mean that in a good way. The shredded lettuce is fresh and crisp. Finally is the real cheddar cheese that has a little bite that rounds out the taco nicely. I also like the fact that Taco Bell does not deep fry their tacos like other fast food places do.

At first glance, the Nutrition Facts for Taco Bell’s Original Crunchy Taco do not look too bad. However, looks can be deceiving. The fact that this taco is only 170 calories seems good. However, 90 of those calories come from fat, which is over 50% of the calories in this taco. The total fat at 10 grams and saturated fat at 3.5 grams are also high for the size of this item. Some good news though is that the cholesterol is decent at 25 mg. Other positives on nutrition are that dietary fiber is good at 3 grams and Protein is very good at 8 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Original Crunchy Taco: milk, wheat and soy. Also contains Gluten that may cause sensitivity for some people. Unlike the Doritos Locos Taco, there is no MSG in the Crunchy Tacos.
Taco Bell’s Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco
The Taco Bell Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco contains the same ingredients (Seasoned beef, shredded lettuce and real cheddar cheese) as the original Crunchy Taco. The only difference is that Nacho Cheese Doritos Chips are used to make the shell.
The Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco shell tastes very much like regular Doritos chips. The texture is a little different lacking the air bubbles found in the chips and not as crisp. However, it is still very good. The Nacho Cheese shell does take center stage with this taco overpowering the rest of the ingredients making this the main flavor. When I first tried this taco back when it first came out, I found the powerful nacho cheese flavor to be a definite plus. However, after tasting the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco I am rethinking this thought. Read the next section to find out what it is.

Nutrition Facts for Taco Bell’s Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco is about the same as the Crunchy Taco. Calories are the same at 170. Calories from Fat are reduced to 80 to bring this taco to fewer than 50% of total calories coming from fat. Total Fat grams are reduced by one to give you 9 grams of Total Fat. Saturated Fat is the same at 3.5 grams. Trans Fats are zero. You lose a gram of fiber with only 2 grams for fiber and finally Protein is the same at 8 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco: milk, wheat and soy. Also contains Gluten and MSG that may cause sensitivity for some people. Note: the Crunchy Taco does not contain MSG.
Taco Bell’s Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco
The Taco Bell Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco also contains the same ingredients (Seasoned beef, shredded lettuce and real cheddar cheese) as the original Crunchy Taco. Again, the only change is that the shell is made from Cool Ranch Doritos Chips.
Again, Taco Bell was able to duplicate the taste of the Cool Ranch Doritos Chips in this taco. The difference here is that the Cool Ranch flavor complements the rest of the ingredients instead of overpowering them. I was still able to enjoy “that unique Taco Bell taste” of the meat that makes this a Taco Bell taco. I am surprised to say that I do like the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco better than the Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco. It is a better combination of flavors that go together well without overpowering the taco.

Nutrition Facts for Taco Bell’s Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco is about the same as the Crunchy Taco. Total Calories are the a little better at 160. However, with the same 90 Calories coming from Fat that puts this taco over 56% of the total calories from fat. Total fat grams are the same at 10 grams. Saturated Fat is the same at 3.5 grams. Trans Fats are zero. You lose a gram of fiber with only 2 grams of fiber and finally Protein is the same at 8 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco: milk, wheat and soy. Also contains Gluten and MSG that may cause sensitivity for some people. Note: the Crunchy Taco does not contain MSG.
Taco Bell’s Original Crunchy Taco Supreme
The Taco Bell Original Crunchy Taco Supreme contains the same ingredients (Seasoned beef, shredded lettuce and real cheddar cheese) as the original Crunchy Taco with the addition of reduced-Fat Sour Cream and Diced Ripe Tomatoes.

Nutrition Facts for Taco Bell’s Original Crunchy Taco Supreme of course are going to be higher. However, you are getting 31% more food with only a 15% increase in Total Calories, going from 170 to 200 Total Calories. Calories From Fat are 110, Total Fat is 12 grams, Saturated Fat is 4.5 grams, No Trans Fat, Cholesterol is 35 mg, Sodium is 320 mg, Total Carbohydrates are 15 grams, Dietary Fiber is 3 grams, Sugars at 2 grams and Protein is 9 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Original Crunchy Taco Supreme: milk, wheat and soy. Also contains Gluten that may cause sensitivity for some people. Unlike the Doritos Locos Taco Supreme, there is no MSG in the Crunchy Taco Supreme.
Taco Bell’s Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco Supreme
The Taco Bell Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco Supreme contains the same ingredients (Seasoned beef, shredded lettuce and real cheddar cheese) as the Nacho Cheese Doritos Taco with the addition of reduced-Fat Sour Cream and Diced Ripe Tomatoes.

Nutrition Facts for Taco Bell’s Nacho Cheese Doritos Taco Supreme is as follows: Total Calories of 200. Calories From Fat are 100, Total Fat is 11 grams, Saturated Fat is 4.5 grams, No Trans Fat, Cholesterol is 35 mg, Sodium is 370 mg, Total Carbohydrates are 15 grams, Dietary Fiber is 3 grams, Sugars at 2 grams and Protein is 9 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco Supreme: milk, wheat and soy. Also contains Gluten and MSG that may cause sensitivity for some people. Note: the Crunchy Taco Supreme does not contain MSG.
Taco Bell’s Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco Supreme
The Taco Bell Cool Ranch Doritos Taco Supreme contains the same ingredients (Seasoned beef, shredded lettuce and real cheddar cheese) as the Cool Ranch Doritos Taco with the addition of reduced-Fat Sour Cream and Diced Ripe Tomatoes.

Nutrition Facts for Taco Bell’s Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco Supreme is as follows: Total Calories of 200. Calories From Fat are 100, Total Fat is 12 grams, Saturated Fat is 4.5 grams, No Trans Fat, Cholesterol is 35 mg, Sodium is 370 mg, Total Carbohydrates are 15 grams, Dietary Fiber is 3 grams, Sugars at 3 grams and Protein is 9 grams. The following are the known allergens for the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco Supreme: milk, wheat and soy. Also contains Gluten and MSG that may cause sensitivity for some people. Note: the Crunchy Taco Supreme does not contain MSG.
For taste, you can not go wrong with either the Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco or the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco. Try them both to see which one you like better. Do not just go by the fact that you may like the Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch Doritos chips better than the other one. As I found out I actually like the Cool Ranch version better as a taco then I do as a chip out of the bag.
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