Jack in the Box introduces their version of McDonald’s Egg White Delight with the Egg White & Turkey Breakfast Sandwich.
To try the Egg White & Turkey Breakfast Sandwich I went to the Jack in the Box at 10537 Scripps Poway Parkway, San Diego CA 92131. I went inside so I could ask a few questions with my order. Service was very slow with very few customers in the lobby. My question for the cashier was if it was possible to get egg whites on any other breakfast sandwich. (McDonald’s allows you to substitute egg whites for any of their breakfast sandwiches.) I was told that this was the only sandwich that came with egg whites. However, according to the official press release dated December 30th 2013 from Jack in the Box “beginning today, all of Jack in the Box’s breakfast sandwiches can be made customized to include egg whites at no additional cost. That’s no yolk!” I guess he did not get the memo.
Tasting the Egg White & Turkey Sandwich
The Egg White & Turkey Sandwich comes with a slice of tomato, grilled turkey, a slice of American cheese and egg whites on the Jack in the Box regular bun. My first thoughts were that the tomato was going to be too much for this small sandwich. Well, I was right. The egg whites and grilled turkey have no taste to speak of. The regular bun from Jack in the Box is also tasteless. The cheese was so melted that it could no longer be noticed. The only thing I could taste was the tomato. Yuck! Who wants to eat a plain warm tomato sandwich? Not me! On the plus side, just as McDonald’s does, the egg whites used at Jack in the Box are just that, real egg whites and nothing more.
Nutrition Facts for the Egg White & Turkey Sandwich
As with the McDonald’s Egg White Delight the Jack in the Box Egg White & Turkey saves on overall Calories, Fat and Cholesterol. From a health perspective the Egg White & Turkey would be a good choice.

The nutrition facts for the Egg White Delight are as follows. It has only 248 Calories, 52 Calories from Fat, Total Fat of 6 grams, Saturated Fat of 3 grams, no Trans Fat, Cholesterol of 22 mg, 833 mg of Sodium, Total Carbohydrates are 31 grams, 1 grams of Dietary Fiber, 4 grams of Sugars and 18 grams of Protein. The following are the known allergens for the Egg White & Turkey sandwich: egg, soy, wheat and milk.
Compared to the McDonald’s Egg White Delight
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For taste there is no debate in my mind that the McDonald’s Egg White Delight is by far the better tasting Egg White Breakfast sandwich. The Egg White & Turkey is just too plain with no flavor. Comparing the two sandwiches for nutrition it is very close. The numbers are so close on almost everything that you could almost call it a draw. The one standout nutrition fact though is for Fiber. The Jack in the Box Egg White & Turkey sandwich only has 1 gram of Fiber while the McDonald’s Egg White Delight has 5 grams of Fiber. This is a significant difference when it comes to eating healthy.
The one place were the Jack in the Box Egg White & Turkey has the McDonald’s Egg White Delight beat on is on the price. The Egg White & Turkey is only $1.99 while the Egg White Delight is $3.99.
Nutrition Facts for the McDonald’s Egg White Delight
Does saving only 50 calories translate into a healthier meal? In this case, yes. Those 50 calories all come from fat so you are also reducing the calories from fat by 50. This in turn gives you 5 less grams of total fat and 2 less grams of Saturated fat. The most significant nutrition fact that you save on though is from Cholesterol. You go from 260 mg, which was 87% of your daily allowance, down to only 25 mg. Now you are only using 8% of you daily allowance for Cholesterol. Another positive is that you get one more gram of fiber. Everything else remains the same.

The nutrition facts for the Egg White Delight are as follows. It has only 250 Calories, 110 Calories from Fat, Total Fat of 7 grams, Saturated Fat of 3 grams, no Trans Fat, Cholesterol of 25 mg, 780 mg of Sodium, Total Carbohydrates are 32 grams, 5 grams of Dietary Fiber, 3 grams of Sugars and 18 grams of Protein. The following are the known allergens for the Egg White Delight sandwich: egg, soy lecithin, wheat and milk.
Eating healthy should not mean sacrificing taste. Unfortunately, the Egg White & Turkey does just that. If you want to eat healthier off the Jack in the Box breakfast menu then order any of the other breakfast sandwiches that you actually like and substitute the egg for the egg whites. For an even better option go for the McDonald’s Egg White Delight that is by far the better Egg White Breakfast sandwich. It tastes better than the Egg White & Turkey and it is a little healthier with the 4 extra grams of fiber.
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